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«Night of Topical Art» in Rizzordi Art Foundation


During the night of the 17th — 18th of June the exhibition «Night of Topical Art» has been open in Rizzordi Art Foundation (49, Kurlyandskaya st.). The exhibit-hall is a former malt-house, the building is a monument of industrial architecture of the 19th century.

The exhibit hall has united many of those who would like to take pleasure of modern topical art. You can find a fragment of Gleb Kosorukov project «Bel Air» that was created in Buttes Chaumont park of Paris. You can also find works of many other modern artists: Lena Golovina, Viktor Saprykin, Vitaliy Pushnitsky, Dmitry Provotorov, Ilia Orlov, Stas Bags, Maria Dmitrieva, Vladimir Titov, Oleg Yakovlev. You can take pleasure of video-installations by Filipp Dontsov, Alexandra Dementieva and Kirill Chelushkin; you can find sculptures by Peter Beliy, Nadezhda Zubareva and others.


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